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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

My dream and lifetime goal is to become a published author. Before my love for writing my passion was reading. I have loved reading since elementary school although that may have been my mom's fault. After frequent and undesired trips to Barnes & Noble my mom refused to buy me toys! (The worst thing for a child!) So if I wanted to leave the store with something new it had to be a book. And thus my passion for books was born which led to my decision to study English Literature where I am now. I didn't major in writing because the best advice I ever got was that to become a great writer you must READ, READ, READ! And when your done read some more! lol, I think you can learn a lot more about writing by reading then you can by listening to someone talk about it. I remain firm to the belief that no one can teach you to write because writing is your inner voice speaking. We all have it just different ways of expressing it. For example the best thing I can draw is a stick figure and even they look at me funny as if saying "hey, seriously this is the best you can do?" lol, but tell me to write an essay and I will put a nice big Kool-Ad smile lol. Wow see I even love writing about writing :D (if any of the above bored you to tears I'm sorry for rambling, but thank you for reading my about me) ^_^


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Posted 13 Years Ago

You are special, so act like it. You are unique, so make the most of that uniqueness.

There's something you can contribute to this moment that no one else has to offer. There is a perspective from which you can experience this day that is unlike any other.

Live your own life, and explore the unique beauty of your very own dreams, thoughts, opinions and interests.

Your greatest value comes from being who you truly are. Let your beautiful, unique, fascinating and authentic self come fully to life.

Know the true joy of being your true self. Honor and appreciate all of life by fully and authentically living the one very special life that is yours.

- by Ralph Marston