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Springfield, IL
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About Me

I'm Jennifer. I'm almost 26 years old. I curently live in Springfield Il with my Aunt and Uncle, but am in the process of looking for an apartment. I hope to move this sept/oct. I am a nursing tech. I love my job. Being able to take care of people and helping them heal is just so wonderful. I am a computer geek, that spends way too much time on the internet, which is actually amazing since I have dial up and it drives me nuts. But I love to make graphics and I am one of those people who say, "I'll google it!". Hah! I am single, because I am. Am ok with it, but wouldn't mind changing it. I love country music, but also listen to the likes of Jessica Simpson and Evaesence. I also love soundtracks. I am a Harry Potter nut. Get over it. We exist and we aren't going anywhere. :D I also ADORE comic book movies! Especially Wolverine. He is what started my loving Hugh Jackman. He's amazing. I write mostly short stories, although I am working on a novel, which is probably going to take forever.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe'! Hope you enjoy the site and make many new friends ... TD :)