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Roxas, Philippines
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About Me

Who am i?
The legend narrates that one day God took away from the sun its most brilliant ray, from the sea its most spendid pearl, from the angels the purest essence of their beautiful ideal, and from the flowers the sweetest perfume of their fragrance. He combined these things into a sublime mixture to which he imparted human features and a soul, and he called it ME... Well i may not be perfect as the legend tells, but the presence and senses it given to me is needed to be used.. to be happy, to care and most of all TO LOVE and be loved...

I'm Joesyl. Just a girl. May be the girl you bumped to while you are on your way to a perfect date. A girl at the record car that you saw but ignored because you spot the limited edition CD of RNB Compilation. A girl at the LRT that you offer a seat. A girl at the cafe that accidentally tumble a cup of latte in you. A girl at the library that has the book you have to borrow for your Philisophy term paper. A girl who borrowed your pen to sign some class cards or may be, just may be, the girl you thought about all day. That is oversimplification.

I'm Joesyl Marie De La Cruz. Born on August 19, 1990. My angel's name is Omael, the same with Bill Clinton, Coco Chanel and Max Factor. Writer. I guess. I am a contradiction of myself. That's all.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

hmm, ^^, can't explain..

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Posted 17 Years Ago

boston gurl? cnu nag sugid cmo? ay.. sorry gd joe ha..

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Posted 17 Years Ago

ahai.. cnu na man?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

sya man? daw ka damo sang sya bala mo.. ^^, cge na tell me..

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Sino haw?... ok ah.. try ko lang...

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Posted 17 Years Ago

naa bad ko? ^^,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hmmm guess who... ^^,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

sa Pa-1? maybe in love with someone.. ^^, but not my teacher... the teacher is a he.. haha

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Joesyl! ^^,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey thanks so much for the review! I really appreciate it!!!:)