


darling, this heart is on fire

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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I'm 22-years-old. I am a Christian writer-singer girl who enjoys fried chicken, the color green, and the ability to dance about ridiculously in the rain. I hope you enjoy my writing (new and old!).



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Posted 15 Years Ago

voting is always exciting. Sorry about the whole job thing. Newspapers are having a real hard time right now, so it will be real hard to get a job there. But then again, keep trying until they tell you to stop. Can't hurt. How are you going about getting some kind of work there? And what kind of job are you trying to get? I'm lucky in the fact that I don't have to worry about a job quite yet. That's always pretty nice. Of course I'm going to have to worry in about 6 months when I'm out of school. So what are your plans for the weekend? Mine are just homework. I have a story, a query letter, and a paper to start and mostly finish this weekend. So that's about all I'm doing. Fun right?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Coolio. I haven't put anything up here yet. *Must get to that...

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Posted 15 Years Ago

It has been a very long time since we've talked. And yes I do remember you, so there's no worries. I'm ok. School is in full force and it's trying to eat my soul. I don't have much time to be on this site anymore, but I still check. So how have you been, what's been going on?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Man, if you can get through that story, congrats to you. That's a long long story. It's kinda funny. When I was writing it I thought it was going to turn out much shorter. Clearly, it didn't come out that way. So how was your week? Thanks for the compliment as well. I'm going to get around to the book you up here pretty soon (now that I have internet again). The house sitting was fun, though pretty stressful. Lots of animals to take care of and not all of them would mind real well. But everything worked out and was a good time. What's shakin' with you?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Wow, you've been here for a while. That's really cool. The reviews have kinda been slow going for me, but then again this is my first time being on a site like this so I don't really know exactly what I should be doing. But overall I like the site. By the way, you don't sound like a jerk or stupid. I think it's funny, though I don't know if it's a good thing or not. But it's all good. So i'll be out for the next few days and I will catch up with you when I get back. Have a good rest of the week.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

It's a pleasure to meet you. I was in band in highschool, but I also managed to stay in it in college. It wasn't that i liked band so much, I just really enjoy playing the sax. I do not have a myspace. I'm one of the few people who never got on the bandwagon (no pun intended). So I wont be able to friend you there. I'm sorry the WC page takes so long to load. Computers are things that I don't even begin to understand. So don't worry about not getting back to me quickly. I will in fact be without internet for the next couple of days, so it's really no worries. How long have you been on WC and how do you like it?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

so I figured I should at least introduce myself. I'm Peter, how are you?