Anton Jherek

Anton Jherek


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Chandler, AZ
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About Me

I nearly spent the first twenty one years of my life in a small city in Idaho. In order to survive with even a smidgen of your sanity intact is to develop an imagination at an early age, seeing as there is absolutely nothing to do there (save for drinking and getting pregnant). Another safe bet is to move away, which is what I did and am currently living in Chandler Arizona, a suburb of Phoenix for those not in the know. I love reading and writing but to be perfectly honest it's my love for movies that keeps me going. But what is a good movie without a great writer. That's about it, really. Any questions, just ask. Also here's some music that gets my mind flowin.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

HAHA!! I was just looking through the new poems and saw your songbird poem. I read it, and the first group of lines made me think it would be this cool little poem and sound all professional... THE OTHER LINES MADE ME ALMOST PEE MY PANTS!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! lol, good work, good work....

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I don't know man. . .but I'll take a look at it later.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

The latter. I was just happy I got a new phone and wanted to share the happy. LOL.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Yes, there was more to the pirate story, because you got the fuller version than what I posted ;)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hahahah, yeah, I'm glad you noticed the Quanni thing. I hope if this gets published I don't get sued. I don't think I could though, since it isn't exactly his name, and I don't really slander him at all.

And you have a good point about Natalie's speech. I think when I go over that section for the final time I'll add something to make it more believable that they didn't stop her immediately.

I'm glad you like my run on sentence style. I was afraid in the beginning that most people would be English-nazis about it. I love writing long sentences because they're easier to get lost in, give more room for complex description, and they're just a hell of a lot of fun to write.

That said, the next four chapters of my book are gonna be written much differently, with hundreds of small, 10 to 300 word sections taking place in different times and space. It's gonna be fun. I'll make sure to use "vagina-colored" at least one more time.