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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

In a world where people write without emotion, or with only the emotion of depression, I strive to be unique. I don't limit myself to one genre, one emotion, one character, one mindset. I try to make everything I write a new experience for me. They say to write what you know, but I believe writing what you don't know helps you to grow.

I'm not one of those teenagers who think they're a wonderful writer because they can compose a poem with a few terribly rhyming couplets or think up a story about a girl who sits alone on the bus and is in love with a boy she's never talked to. This year, I've been told that my writing has greatly improved. I've noticed that my writing is more mature, not as forced, and not as dry.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

For this is Wisdom; to love, to live
To take what fate, or the Gods may give.
To ask no question, to make no prayer,
To kiss the lips and caress the hair,
Speed passion's ebb as you greet its flow
To have, - to hold - and - in time, - let go!

Laurence Hope