Keith van Zyl

Keith van Zyl


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Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
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About Me

Hey there, I'm Keith van Zyl, a lifelong lover of stories and self-proclaimed master of procrastination. My writing journey kicked off at the ripe old age of 7 when I penned a collection of spine-tingling tales called "I Don't Believe In Ghosts and Other Tales." Spoiler alert: I might actually believe in ghosts, and I sure love writing about them!

While my childhood masterpiece never made it to the shelves (thanks, Dad, for being my only reader), it sparked a fire in me that refuses to die out. Since then, I've been cooking up all sorts of stories—horror, fantasy, and the occasional sci-fi adventure. Haven't published anything yet, but hey, there's always tomorrow, right?

These days, you can find me sharing my tales with anyone who's willing to take a peek. Sure, my novels are still a work in progress (emphasis on "progress" being slower than a snail in molasses), but I'm getting there. Slowly. Very slowly.

Oh, and did I mention my current project? I'm knee-deep in a fantasy epic set in the mystical realm of Darnathia, a world I created with my buddy Allen "Wolfie" Simpson, who's actually managed to publish stuff. Go figure.

As for my inspirations, they're a motley crew—think R.A. Salvatore, Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman and the kings of spookiness like Stephen King and Clive Barker. Basically, if it's weird, wild, or wacky, count me in.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or something stronger if it's after 5 o'clock somewhere) and join me on this rollercoaster ride through the twists and turns of imagination. Who knows? We might just stumble upon a story worth telling.