KieraS : Writing

Looking Ahead

Looking Ahead

A Poem by KieraS

I am unsure of where my path will lead.I aim to make the best laid plans.Future possibilities feed my exhilaration.But still I keep my feet firmly roo..
Away From The Concrete Abyss

Away From The Concrete Abyss

A Poem by KieraS

A look into an imagined life that is not as much a dream as it is a life goal.
If I'd Only Listened

If I'd Only Listened

A Poem by KieraS

I would have attended community college first.Of the world I would be more versed.I would not feel the years were wasted.I may not be so frustrated.Li..
Last Run

Last Run

A Poem by KieraS

A darker poem about an American Mustang during a round-up.
Life Rediscovered

Life Rediscovered

A Poem by KieraS

Reflection on a very dark time in my life.
A Loving Thank You

A Loving Thank You

A Poem by KieraS

Penned on 9-26-2016 Dedicated to my loving partner, without whom I would be in a far different place.