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woodbridge, VA
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About Me

Hey there! My name is Danie and I'm about to attempt to tell you about me in a short amount of time. It's late at night where i live, Virginia. I am 15 years old (or will be June 16th haha) and i sort of consider myself to be an artist...somewhat. I LOVE to draw. For about 3-4 years now i have not done one day without drawing at least 1 picture, yes, a few of them have been tiny. I also LOVE to write. That is mainly why i am here. I currently have 2 stories going. And all the others (4) are on hold. I am re-making 2 of them, cause when i had originally written them they weren't that good, By that i mean they sucked...big time. But my writing skills have improved and i'm ready to do them again.
I was born in California, had gone to Minnesota(where nearly my entire family is) then to South Carolina, then to Virginia, where i reside now. Of course i have Summer trips to Minnesota. My parents are divorced and have been since i was 4 (11 years) My dad has re-married and my mom has wandered around with some guys, still looking. Oh well..back to me!
After high school i want to go to an art school. I'm currently looking at Art Institute, but it would cost more cause i wouldn't get the in-state tuition cause it's located in Washington DC. Yes, i live near DC.(My Dad works in the Pentagon)Anyway. I want to major in Arts, but i do hope to have some kind of minority in Creative Writing.


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Posted 5 Years Ago

So, you're disinterested in the novels of today? Grown tired of reading great books that have been around since the 1890's? Might I interest you in reading a book by me, Shawn Dwayne Blankenship?
I have a D.D., in Divinity, a Ph.D., in Metaphysics, as well as a Ph.D. in Omniology, and a Ph.D. in Linguistics, a Ph. D. in Ontology. A Bachelor in Web Design, a 3 year course in Art and Design, a Master's in Music, A Masters in Theology,with seven years of Health Class (Phlebotomists, cytology,Neurobiology), And I have studied under the Law and Bar codes. With much, so much, more in my life.

I am apparently a Master of the Macabre, Hm. 7 time winner of the Horror Award, 2 time Gothic Literature award, The Marry Shelly Award, Stephen King Award, Bram Stoker award, Bloodiest Vamp Award, 1st place Demon Possession Award, Spookiest Piece Award, Bloody Good Badge Award, Jack the ripper award, 8th place Honorable Sin Award, 4th place Honorable Gothic Award, 4th place Dark mention Award, 10th place Honorable pain Award, Six time winner of the Horror award, Prosperous Poet Award, Philosophical Award, The Damned Award, Up From Hell Award, Mental Occurrence Award, Sinister Award, 1st Place Romantic Award, HONORABLE MENTION DARK ROMANCE, Shape Shiftier Award, Transylvania Award, Psycho Vamp Award, LE GASP Award, Lovely Twist Award, Le-stat Award, Louis Award, Maharet Award, Master Award, 3rd Place Desperation! Award, Psychic Vamprye Award, Great Evil Award, Serial killer tendencies Award, Tragic Poet Award, And many-many-many more!

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Posted 6 Years Ago

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Posted 7 Years Ago

Hello, S. D. Blankenship here! I want to invite you to my fan page on Facebook! Here!

~S. D. lankenship