Jon Bonin

Jon Bonin


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About Me

Hey there, my name's Jon. Ever since I was young, I've loved to get in touch with the more creative parts of my mind. At first I painted and drew, eventually leading into my current love of computer graphics and Pixel Art. I wasn't always into writing, though. However, I started writing about five years ago, which I at first didn't take seriously. As time progressed I began to dwell deeper and deeper into what my mind's eye would show me as a creative sense of expressing my innermost emotions and thoughts. About three years ago, I suffered the loss of someone potentially close to me, my cousin David. As when all tragedy strikes for most people, I was struck with grief, a sudden depression. I wrote my first serious poem, a death was my first serious inspiration. The world had been lifted off my shoulders in what at the time seemed like nothing but a few lines on some paper (*1), but were quickly realized to mean the world to me. Even with this weight lifted off my chest, I still wasn�t happy again. Not the way I had been before. For a while, I drew deeper and deeper into a secluded state, withdrawing myself from the social and physical world around me. Pain and affliction had become a major part of my writing. I�d become an author of dark writings. A series of even more unfortunate things followed, typical things that you don�t know you live through when you�re young. Being picked on in the school yard, getting called vampire because of your light skin color and being hosed down with a muddy hose because the other kids were �putting you out for being in the sun� are examples of these torments I encountered as a young boy in my middle school years. For a while, things stayed this way. I still dwelled on the darkness that I seemed to almost begin thrive on. I wasn�t the same person I had been before all of this had started. Over time, however, I began to experiment with new forms of writing. I became involved with music of all sorts and wrote lyrics, both dark and happy, involving myself in the musician�s world more and more by each day. As I grew older, so did all the other people at school. I had begun to mature much more than I previously would have expected. Not only that, the people around me began to mature and I finally started to feel accepted by everyone else. Parts of me had begun to fill in emotionally. I no longer had the need to always feel so dark and misunderstood about everything in my surroundings. I was no longer the outcast of my school, just one of the people in the crowd; and to be honest, I would have never expected it to feel so good. My mind was offset from my previous styles of writing. I had begun to write about anything my mind could find in the world of creativity that now had enshrouded every fiber of my soul even more strong than I had ever felt it. To this day my inspirations are everything around me; my number one inspiration is my boyfriend Corey. He gets me through most every day, and I honestly don�t think anyone or anything else could make me happier in life than the love of my life. We�ve been together for a while now, and every day he and I grow closer and closer, and the one source of inspiration I searched for so long to find has rapidly made its way into my life through him. I no longer feel empty, and I don�t think that I ever will again. You can read some of the works mentioned in this biography and more.


*1: My poem �Do You See Me Now?� is mentioned above as my first serious poem. It is a poem dedicated to my cousin David, wondering what exactly was going through his mind at the point of his death. Rest In Peace David.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi, thanks for the comment on 'come with me'.
i was in control in the begining...then i created something darker and more powerful than myself i guess, vampire terms,anyway.
and thanks for faving it...i'm so glad you liked it!!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi friend!! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey i do love you sooooooooooooo much and i do want to marry you someday i will talk to you later kk baby...........I LOVE YOU BABY

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Posted 17 Years Ago

WIll you marry me? hehe

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Hey Cutie now i have a profile add me kk i love you

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hi, welcome to the cafe!
got anything to read? :)