Lawryie Mh-Lk : Writing

When It Gets Tough

When It Gets Tough

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

When one has dreams but that comes a time when those dreams realisation seems to be endangered...
Let It Be

Let It Be

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

There are some days with And there are some other days without. Those other days that feel so weird that It feels difficult to even sense any..


A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Life experiences and the impressions one has on things one does not always master.
In my Mind

In my Mind

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Mind things


A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Moments of life, when one can just let go, let be and just be
Healing #2

Healing #2

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Second part poem about healing process.
Healing #1

Healing #1

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

About healing and going though that process and how it feels...
Lost in...

Lost in...

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Lost in the world of thoughts
Nothing to Seek for

Nothing to Seek for

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

I just arrived at this point in my life when I have come to think that, there is nothing to seek for, not in a needy way. The thing is to want withou..
Dear you #1

Dear you #1

A Poem by Lawryie Mh-Lk

Letter to this person we don't know but that's not so unknown from us.