Alexa Tarvid : Writing

One Tear on a White Dress

One Tear on a White Dress

A Chapter by Alexa Tarvid

The world let out a great sigh, sending the sun-colored leaves scurrying off the path. They were replaced only seconds la..
A Dry Black Dress

A Dry Black Dress

A Chapter by Alexa Tarvid

A black dress. It fit her well, curved nicely around the pain and sorrow. The veil gave the outsi..


A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

Please, Please do not leave me alone with my thoughts, I fear they are not filled with things that make me smile, Things that make me laugh, No, ..
A Cure

A Cure

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

I will die here, The sun is bright, I wish to shield my eyes But no strength is left in me, The disease has stolen my energy, The wind, It's..
Such a-

Such a-

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

Such a pure warmth In a damp cold place, The shiver begins at my spine And crawls to the tips of my fingers, But it isn't long before your arms ar..
Same Melody

Same Melody

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

Smooooth, As smooth as a lovers' dance Is the heartbeat of jazz, Feel it in the hands, The shoulders, The hips, Th..
Hard Liquor

Hard Liquor

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

My throat burned as the liquid slid down, No comfort held by it, No fuzzy numbness, Only the too real emptiness, T..
My Heart Goes Out to You

My Heart Goes Out to You

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

My reaction when I learned of Hurricane Gustav.
For Them

For Them

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

This poem is based on the general idea of being separated from someone you care about.
It Lingers

It Lingers

A Poem by Alexa Tarvid

The chill, It hovers, The light in the room blinks, Once, Twice, Gone, The cold, It lingers, The breathing slows, Inhale, Exhale, Not ye..