M.a.s.h. : Writing

Why I loved her

Why I loved her

A Poem by M.a.s.h.

It,Was always why,I loved her, She,Had an eye, For beauty,An eye,That saw into your soul, And I guess,That,Was how she found me, Dusty and grey, Among..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

There,Was always something,About her, When she smiled, The whole world,could stop, But I,Wouldn't bat a lash, Couldn't,Something about her, Made you f..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

I,Was never brave, But, From the minute, I saw her, her smile, her laugh, the fire in her soul,Was contagious, And that,Was where I found,My courage,S..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

He,Didn't hate her, no,Quite the contrary, He loved her, And she,Broke him, But still, what he hated, was that he, Still loved her,with, all the broke..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

He,Wanted to see her,Old and grey,Covered in, Gently placed kisses,And warm hugs,To see,Dancing,On that perfect smile,He had long since fallen for,For..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

She,Had lived,A life worth ,Countless memories,And was humbled,As life often does,So much that,All she wanted,Wasn't adventure, No,She,Wanted simplici..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

She,Loved him,For many things,But his mind,It ,Heard the silence,The loneliness,In her voice,And in turn,Found,All the words,To create,Music,Where the..


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

All he,wanted From her,Was,The simplest gesture,The slightest tick,And instantly,He,would be there, As if,He,Had never even left.


A Poem by M.a.s.h.

She,Didn't just love him, She saw him, The way, No one else,in the world,Ever could.