Masta Grumps

Masta Grumps


"I am a slave to... the booty!"


San Ramon, CA
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About Me

Yo, Masta Grumps here. I'm no average-joe or your plane-jane, but I am your typical geek. From that you may assume that have an almost-obsessive interest in such like Star Trek, Star Wars, video games, comics, anime, LotR, and Doctor Who. Spending my other spare time in ladying off to hentai.

Well… That might be as accurate as you can possibly be…

Away from all that nonsense, I'm here to do the one thing I've been genuinely passionate about since the fetus days. Geekiness aside… I write. I read.

A fair amount of what I write are mostly Science Fiction, horror, and psychological thrillers… but of course I have my moments where I feebly experience with other genres. Please don't be harsh or too kind, I post to acknowledge both my failures and strengths to achieve stellar skills of the quill.