Lauren Jones : Writing

My Soul

My Soul

A Poem by Lauren Jones

one take on soul-mates
How Are You

How Are You

A Poem by Lauren Jones

Just a pondering of mine


A Poem by Lauren Jones

a poem about opening yourself up to love and friendship


A Poem by Lauren Jones

Even open books have secrets Like a tree hides its roots Keeping them buried where the sun will never reveal them No one can know secrets..
Lies and Truth

Lies and Truth

A Poem by Lauren Jones

They say love hurts but it’s only an excuse. They say love is unconditional but it’s a lie. They tell us war brings peace but te..
Yet to Come

Yet to Come

A Poem by Lauren Jones

Bright eyes looking forward Clouded mind stuck in the past Regrets dragging me down Hope keeping me afloat Can’t stop fighting ..
The End is the Beginning

The End is the Beginning

A Chapter by Lauren Jones

Chapter 1
They Say

They Say

A Poem by Lauren Jones

This was written by my mother.


A Poem by Lauren Jones

To burn fire with fire To drown water with water To kill death The most intriguingly impossible ideas Yet the impossible seems closer tha..