Sophie Ann Russell

Sophie Ann Russell


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Emsworth, Hampshire, Select State, United Kingdom
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About Me

Hey, I am Sophie, a new indie author.
I am trying to self-publish and promote my new teen/children's novel at the mo, but would love it if I could receive some feedback and to raise awareness about my epic, charming series from other readers, whether young or old - I just LOVE unique and aesthetically-told tales, and this is how I would describe my book.

I am hoping to write more books in this way, once I get this debut one underway.


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Hi, I'm looking for reviews, set out in an answer questions style. If you're interested and are eager to read the whole of my book and tell me what you think of it as simply as possible, noting both the positive and negative, then please message me. I need to boost the popularity of this book and its sales - it's currently published on Amazon. Don't worry I won't make you buy it, but the copy I will send you by email would be the manuscript not the version that is being sold with additional bits in it, so you can still feel compelled to buy it if you like it ;)

I look forward to hearing from some of you :D

And I would basically be asking you these following questions:

1/ What was positive about the book (explain in detail)?

2/ What was negative about the book (explain in detail)?

3/ How would you rate this book? (Poor 0-10 Exceeds All Expectations)

4/ How would you describe this book in a nutshell for first-time readers and should they read this?

Snippets of my book are up on here if you'd like to check them out first before you contact me.

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Posted 10 Years Ago

My book is published! Please check it out. US: UK: