Montilee Stormer

Montilee Stormer


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Royal Oak, MI
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About Me

Short Version:
MontiLee Stormer is a troublemaker, writing acts of mayhem and despair for her own selfish pleasure. Her interests wander from abnormal psychology and serial killers, to lost loves and the storied Paradise Valley of Detroit. MontiLee has found herself published in strange and wonderful places like Bound, The Sinister Bedfellows Anthology, Black Ink Horror, Murky Depths, and Necrotic Tissue. She’s a active member of GLAHW and in 2013 will begin filming “I Do This Because I Love You” in partnership with Looknow Productions and littleblackduck. MontiLee employs a ‘well-compensated’ sniper to keep the growing but disturbingly dedicated legion of fanboys at bay. She lives in the Metro Detroit Area with her husband, two cats, and several knitting projects which keep her safely off the streets.

Long Version:
MontiLee Stormer arrived into this world in 1972, and was promptly named after a hooker. She wrote her first story, “Eugene”, at the age of 15, and decided that if she did nothing else with her life, she’d write the kind of bedtime stories her mother read from King’s Night Shift Collection. Meandering from one writer’s collective to another, it was pretty clear that she was writing stories more for her own enjoyment, rather than stuff people actually wanted to read. Not to be discouraged, she continued to be rejected from publications that now no longer exist.

A 1990 graduate of Shrine of the Little Flower High School, followed by a two-year stint at Fisk University, she continues to write the kinds of stories she likes to read – creepy, emotional, just this side of huh-wha? Influenced by Beaumont, Barker, and Bradbury, she turned to screenwriting, and made the Top 250 in Project Greenlight 2002 and 2004.

MontiLee has found herself published in strange and wonderful places like Bound #1 (I Do This Because I Love You), The Sinister Bedfellows Anthology (So Much For Love Potion #8), Black Petals #36 (The Serpent Bearer), Black Ink Horror #4 (And On The Seventh Day) and #5 (Twas The Night), Murky Depths #3 (The Suicide Bar), and in 2010 – Necrotic Tissue #10 (Flytrap). She’s an active member of the Great Lakes Association of Horror Writers and lives in the Metro Detroit area with her husband, their two cats, and a yarn stash that breeds unchecked!

Poke her brains at

I don't read or review poetry. Requests to read them will be ignored.


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Awwww, well thanks a ton! I appreciate the effort, and I'm glad it's entertaining enough. I suppose I should put the end of it up, huh?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

good to see you two days ina row! good morning!

wishing you great writing if you do any today!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I know, I fall off, but its good to come back and see you are still as blood thirsty as ever, gives me faith in the world you know?

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Posted 16 Years Ago

I stalk you 24 /7 dont complain! :)

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Just call me your new stalker ;)


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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm really glad you're liking it. So far, it's been getting pretty good reception from everyone, which makes me a very happy nerd. LOL. And maybe if I'd get more time off, I'd get more time to read stuff here....and maybe post something new for once.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

By popular demand: the Cat gets opinionated
Childhood...Scratch That
Childhood...Scratch That
A Story by Cat O'nine

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hello my favorite on paper killer. How goes the words?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

hello my favorite on paper killer. How goes the words?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

"breaking the rules." ugh. nothing sickens me more than a mind that needs to know there are rules out there so that they can break them. Sounds more like a self-fulfilling prophecy. By breaking rules people who are against them draw attention to the rules and therefore -- unbeknownst -- they need the rules. for what can you break without them? I like sentences, i like punctuation, and i like cohesive form. I like clarity, i like organized thought, and i like abstractions, too.
Show me an intelligent poem, not a whiny rebellious youth poem.