
Expressing//Showing You beauty that hurts.

Houston, TX
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To me you're a loner I don't mean it in a bad way though it's like you don't need anyone but you think it'd be nice to have some people around but not just anyone you only associate with certain people you can be emotional but it would never appear that way when you talk to people or when someone first meets you you never give up and you're very dedicated to whatever you're doing it's like you have to do it there's no I can't finish it or I'm gonna do it later with you you're kind of like a now or never person you put a lot on your shoulders I think you expect a lot from yourself and that's not a bad thing either I don't feel like you feel that you always have to be doing something but I don't think you'd sit in your bed all day and not be productive like I do sometimes lol you have to move around you're stuck in the past and yeah I know you've told me that but it's like you really just reminisce because it was just a happier time for you lol you're gonna hate me for this one but sometimes you actually do talk about yourself a lot I remember when we used to talk on the phone and majority it was you talking about yourself or your life which I didn't mind I let you because I hear excitement and happiness when you talk about your past you don't have friends but I think you're kind of popular or it's just that people know you I feel like you make friends with everyone because that's who you are you're friendly you're nice and even though you're somewhat socially awkward people seem to like you you are very sarcastic you're like my chandler bing in a way (I know you don't get that but whatever) but you're sarcasm can make someone feel stupid like me for example I don't like when you're sarcastic with me 😕 but that's who you are but sometimes it can be funny sometimes you can be difficult just a little bit 😅 they're are some times where I'm texting you and I'm like why is Greg being so difficult 🤦🏾‍♀️ idk what it is but you know a lot though I used to think that I knew stuff because I'd be throwing facts on people and stuff but here you are out doing me and making me feel stupid again 😂 lol but you're a smart cookie 🙂 I feel like you can be kinda tough around people but by yourself you're not soft but less tough you know you have a good sense of humor you make everyone laugh



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Posted 5 Years Ago

I'm back lol new stuff to show yall and think its way