Mr. Strouse

Mr. Strouse


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About Me

As most teenagers, I started my writing as a cocky, spam laden, terribly grammatical at the prosperous age of fourteen. This was a perfect moment for me to change my outlook on life when I began realizing that I actually had idea's that could turn into plots that could in turn, change into a wondrous expression of my deep outlooks and some what of a hidden joke to myself with tad notes of what I really think in each of my works. Most of these are not even published on paper and still locked away in my head, but I plan to release them soon enough. I am now seventeen, another prosperous age, and have just finished the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. I found the first novel, a 1982 printing, in a dusty box at an auction house. I considered the book for a moment and finally decided to purchase it. This was a turning point in my life since this was a tale that meant something very important to me. Although I cannot imagine the aggravation of readers who had to wait, like, 30 FREAKING YEARS for King to finish the vast and great story, as well as the terror when he got in an accident that turned into a very important part in his book, I would have liked to feel the anticipation. I had started the series about the time when I was a cocky, spam laden, terribly grammatical fourteen year old and it truly made me want to take these characters and battles bouncing in my frontal lobes and make them reality.

Most of these are not meant for the bookshelves unfortunately. My main goal is to become a screenplay writer and director and produce them. I don't think I could stand putting them in another person's hands and expect them to correctly interpret the text into a vision that I all ready have.

Stephen King introduced literature into my life which I am grateful for, for if I had not noticed The Gunslinger it would have been possible that I would still be a cocky, spam laden, terribly grammatical teen as well as a jackass if you catch my meaning on the majority of the public school kid attitudes. Right now I am worshiping Don Quixote by Cervantes and glancing at Dante, Jonathon Swift, and good ole' Tolkien.

I am leaning more into the horror genre since it doesn't just mean spooky flashing lights and murderous suburbs with dunce teenagers. It can be twisted like the imagination into a world of not only dark, but brilliant and glamorous justice. I could describe it better with a different word, which is surrealism. This word very much entitles much of the potential such thoughts that are bouncing around my head, but as brittle as my understanding of expressing them perfectly is still novice, I plan on working to achieve the goal of truly presenting these thoughts as well as words can express to my ability. Bored yet?