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About Me

I'm a white American man in my late 30's who grew up near Baltimore, MD.

I was 16 years old in 1993 and I took my beautiful female friend to the Inner Harbor in my shiny silver Chevy Corvette where the two of us were walking around having a blast.

We were separated for a minute and during that time, I was approached by this really attractive black prostitute. I wasn't really interested in what she was offering but I had many questions for her that she seemed to love answering.

When I started asking questions she didn't know the answer to, that was when my BFF caught up with us and this prostitute invited the two of us up to "The Block" on Baltimore Street where we would meet her "manager" or pimp. He would surely know the answers.

The guy saw my car and asked, "How would you like to earn a lot of money with that fancy sports car?" and I wanted to know how. To keep a long story short, I'll just say that's where I became a woman's escort and I worked at that job for 7 years before starting my own business as a "Professional Companion w/Benefits for Women Only" and I wrote all about it in a very detailed book.

My book seems really bad, dirty & inappropriate at first glance but upon deeper reading, you learn that it's actually a real blessing from God.

For some reason, the link to the website where you can order a copy of my book doesn't work on this site so you may have to Copy & Paste this address into a New Window or Tab.

Just go to:


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Do you enjoy reading a good book? If so, I'm an author with 4 published books and there's a direct link to the first on my profile or at: The book is called "Confessions of a Paid Companion for Women" and if that name interests you at all, you'll find it there.