Neville : Writing

Just a Few of the Things I Don’t Like Without You

Just a Few of the Things I Don’t Like Without Yo..

A Poem by Neville

a bit of a mouthful, I know .. but then, she was a bit of a mouthful ..
Oh' To Be Your Slave Again

Oh' To Be Your Slave Again

A Poem by Neville

Oh’ To Be Your Slave Again If I could have all this time again .. I swear I would make all the same deliberate mistakes .. ..
Sun Sighted but Otherwise Unassuming

Sun Sighted but Otherwise Unassuming

A Poem by Neville

Sun Sighted but Otherwise Unassuming Who could forget those eyes of his with more than just their hint of yellow .. From staring at the s..
Could You Maybe Ask Your Sister

Could You Maybe Ask Your Sister

A Poem by Neville

maybe just a little bit tongue in cheeky
On Being Too Gentle

On Being Too Gentle

A Poem by Neville

On Being Too Gentle The extraordinary gentleness of his unexpected advances .. Though indeed subtle, to say the very least ....
Potage du Femme

Potage du Femme

A Poem by Neville

Potage du Femme Jeez, he said .. You taste delicious .. Well then I thank you, kind sir she replied .. Do you really t..
Somewhere Between Lovers

Somewhere Between Lovers

A Poem by Neville

Somewhere Between Lovers Torn between her lovers and insatiable lust .. She folded like some old, discarded newspaper suitably well..
Looking Forward to Later

Looking Forward to Later

A Poem by Neville

two scribbles, one page .. the rest, could have become history ..
A Few Moments After

A Few Moments After

A Poem by Neville

A Few Moments After Only a few moments afterwards .. When she had finally caught up with her breath again .. She scratch..
While Watching Swifts

While Watching Swifts

A Poem by Neville

While Watching Swifts It was while tracing the arc and the twist of swifts with his naked eye across a still and sal..