Jestine Beck

Jestine Beck


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About Me

My name is Jestine(Jess-Teen) Nikole Beck and I am Eleven Years old heading into sixth grade and I love to read Fantasy, romance, Comedy, or Action/romance/comedy, and many more that, if I name them all, you'd be bored until your eyes pop out. I'm reading Phantom of the opera right now and i'm in the first chapter(I just got it) Thanks to my Dad, I want to be in the Military when I get old enough. I also love to read, as you already know. (Blame my mom for reading infront of me when I was two. -_-') I love candy and slushies! Plus... I get hyper... drinking water... and I get REALLY REALLY hyper drinking FROZEN COFFEE!!! WHOOOOO! lol... I don't like to eat chocolate very much. I watch scary movies that most people would not even LIVE through... I watched 28 weeks later and it was SCARY!! I almost cried on one of the bloody parts.... and i never do that! I have all Resident evil games (One, two, three, and four) and I beat the forth one like.... *Counts on fingers* FIVE times! ^_____^ I am TERRIFIED of CLOWNS, and who ever likes them, let me tell you one thing.... YOU ARE OUT OF YOUR MIND!! But hey, that's my opinion. I love animals and I hate to see all animals hurt.... even ones that hurt me... -_-' I love to watch adult swim (Mainly BLEACH and Inuyasha). And I AM A GIRL and PROUD OF IT!! I used to live in the country so, yes, I am a country bumpkin. I want to go to Japan and live there. I know some japanese and I love to draw(But I'm not to good) I am IN LOVE with the Sims games, I have Sims, Sims house party, I used to have Sims Vacation(My dog chewed on it) I have Sims Bustin' out(Gamecube), Sims 2(Gamecube) Sims 2:Pets(Gameboy touch-screen and computer) and Sims Two:Holiday Edition(Also Computer) I watch cartoons with my sister's boyfriend(He chose that we watch cartoons -_-') and, if i'm not donin' that, I'm reading on the computer at some are sad, funny, stupid, and, my favorite, FANTASTIC!! I have brown hair with natural blond highlights and it shines red in entence light(the sun) and I have Dark brown eyes and glasses. (P.S. My mom got me to love stories with dragons, vampires, werewolves, demons and alot more in it) ^___________________________^ :-P
And i love to sing (I can't dance... at ALL) I love the color blue.

January 23 2008-6:38 pm
HI PPL!!!! Right now i am very hyper ^^ I've had steak and shells in cheese. I am contemplating on whether or not I should put my BLEACH story on here...and if I do, don't be mean T.T It's actually about a girl with a 325 I.Q average, she has two sisters and they are GIRLIES!! she is very athletice and'll have to find out the rest ^. BYE!!!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

HI JESSY! Thanks for the invite!!! ^.^

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the site ^^ and thank you for the friend invite