Nishu : Writing

The Stories Of Hearts

The Stories Of Hearts

A Poem by Nishu

There is an end ; and there is a start, In between is written; the stories of hearts. Hearts that beat; ..
Thirsty soul

Thirsty soul

A Poem by Nishu

Streams so many, But thirsty was the soul. That one desire, In deep heart's core. A desire that lost its attire. But sings..


A Poem by Nishu

Streams so many, But thirsty was the soul. That one desire, In deep heart's core. A desire that lost its attire. But sings..
Nothing stays

Nothing stays

A Poem by Nishu

Nothing stays, Darkness of nights and brightness of days, Neither tomorrow nor today. Sadness walk along all the way, Happiness that give us m..
Meaningless Prayers

Meaningless Prayers

A Poem by Nishu

I've seen how pleasures become pain, I've seen how dry become rains. how trust come sealed with betrayal, And how meaningless become prayers. T..
No Pleasure No Pain

No Pleasure No Pain

A Poem by Nishu

No delight on praise, No anguish resound. Stillness just prevail , lifelessness is found. To such calmness I am bound, Constantly miss to feel..
I Am Passing Through

I Am Passing Through

A Poem by Nishu

To say they were the days so few, the only span when happiness grew. The only daysthenn,, , only nights, When heart had peace of passions true...