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Without her

Without her

A Poem by Nix

My Heart My Heart

A Poem by Nix

My City My City

A Poem by Nix

Salty Affection Salty Affection

A Poem by Nix

Magpies Magpies

A Poem by Nix

Last Chances Last Chances

A Poem by Nix

Cherry Cafe Cherry Cafe

A Book by Nix

Autumn Oak Autumn Oak

A Poem by Nix

Hotel Houston Hotel Houston

A Book by Nix

About Me

Hi, my names Nic, better known as Nixie on the popular writing site called Booksie. I've been using the site for a while now and decided to venture out a bit. I'm planning on posting the best of my old work and some new pieces too including poetry, short stories and novels. These evolve around a range of genres, so don't be surprised to find some erotica alongside a memoir and that a poem.

I'm looking forward to sharing my work with everyone and hope you enjoy it. All that's left to say is, thank you for stopping by and taking an interest. ~ Nix

Airborne Embers

She lay watching midnight fireflies
with her back upon an ash of airborne embers,
while you walk the nylon threads woven between her fingertips
and climb those sweet illusions.
Her lips, rendered by yours
expose and converse in romantic overtones
leaving you with an ache in your belly only she can ease.
Her hands tip-toe the ambit of your empire,
fanning the flames and exciting those little embers
now dancing in the shadows of an orange silhouette.
Like lost lovers, once forgotten,
you succumb again.
Till those sparks chase away the darkness
and die in view of daylight.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hi Nix, I passed. Now have a diploma. Next on the list is a degree but give me a few years first!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

My pleasure actually :) So how's the artwork goin? I remember you loved doing them and you were a talented artist. I'm jealous. haha

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi. Just checking to see if you might be around. Seems like forever since we've talked. I miss you. :-)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey, how's it goin?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hello Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi Nixie?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hi Nixie!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Damn! Look at the cobwebs hanging all over this place. Obviously no body has been here for ages. I wonder where they went to?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Just popped in for a quick read. See things are going well. You have some great ideas. Waiting for my exam results now. Been busy and now very nervous!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I saw you were on this morning, but you popped off before I could say anything. Hope everything is going good.