Atomic tonic

Atomic tonic


New mountain bike on its way to me!!!

Paradise city, Outer galaxies, United Kingdom
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About Me

I'm a creative reclusive individual it of late I am reminded of one of my favourite documentaries on quest TV, 'how it's made'.They show factory production lines. I feel like an object on a factory line who's soul, character, morals, and personality are being squeezed,chiseled ,sculpted,refined in a furnace and just when I think I'm ready I'm thrown back in the furnace as a production flaw is spoiling the product! so more refining as the master crafter or whoever it is sits in the glass office overlooking the factory of life!! Problem is this factory produces a set, a pair, nut and bolt, knife and fork, left and right shoe!! Somewhere along the line I've lost I feel incomplete, out of place, concerned for the missing piece, and ultimately afraid that further down the line I will be noticed as no good?! I'm afraid I will be cast out on the scrap heap with no value or a future shining ,bringing pleasure to all around?


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Posted 10 Years Ago

I'm a creative reclusive individual it of late I am reminded of one of my favourite documentaries on quest TV, 'how it's made'.They show factory production lines. I feel like an object on a factory line who's soul, character, morals, and personality are being squeezed,chiseled ,sculpted,refined in a furnace and just when I think I'm ready I'm thrown back in the furnace as a production flaw is spoiling the product! so more refining as the master crafter or whoever it is sits in the glass office overlooking the factory of life!! Problem is this factory produces a set, a pair, nut and bolt, knife and fork, left and right shoe!! Somewhere along the line I've lost I feel incomplete, out of place, concerned for the missing piece, and ultimately afraid that further down the line I will be noticed as no good?! I'm afraid I will be cast out on the scrap heap with no value or a future shining ,bringing pleasure to all around?