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Michael Jewel

Michael Jewel


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St. Louis, MO
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About Me

I use Omatori Talotorian as a screen name, but my real name is Michael Jewel.(Omatori T. is one my favorite characters from one of my novel series). I'm a film student, a published writer of science fiction, a professional jazz trumpeter, and a member of a jazz and rock group, as well as an alternative group.

I'm engaged and in love, that's nice, and currently working also as a high school marching band instructor and technicial, as well as co-drumline instructor. I draw inspiration from all of my writing, including music, from my emotions, past experiences, and what is happening in the world around us.

Astronomy, politics, wars, love, loss, death; all of these things usually end up in my pieces in one way or another, as well as the fantastical and supernatural, I find all this and more fascinating.

Life is short, maybe TOO short, so I fill all my time doing exactly what I WANT to do, and LOVE to do, which is create and express what is in my heart and mind, and to deliver to those willing to take in my work something they have never seen before.

And so, enjoy...