Padraic Gribbons : Writing



A Poem by Padraic Gribbons

There's a small place under the pine trees out back where the rain cannot reach us. If we run through the storm's tears, it is a beautiful place to wa..
Poem about waiting

Poem about waiting

A Poem by Padraic Gribbons

She had never considered the concept of love before. For her, it was something taken for granted, found in chance encounters on the street, brief look..
Poem about change

Poem about change

A Poem by Padraic Gribbons

The wind through the trees reminds me of you. Its subtle maneuvering, so gentle, yet the trees bend to its whim. I live now, in a place with no wind. ..
Poem about remembering

Poem about remembering

A Poem by Padraic Gribbons

I don't think we have ever met before, but standing across the street on the steps of the library, surely we have known each other forever. Your blue ..