PencilinMyHair : Writing



A Poem by PencilinMyHair

Slightly too-cheesy Christmas themed poem, but what the heck. Still worth a read!
2am - contemplate the world

2am - contemplate the world

A Poem by PencilinMyHair

Stuck on a coffee high too tired to stay awake and yet I’m too awake to close my eyes Stuck in an awful cycle of regret At this witching h..


A Poem by PencilinMyHair

I'm a science student, and you can tell when I'm nearing end of semester and exams because of the sudden influx of poetry. I need procrasti-release!


A Poem by PencilinMyHair

A state awaits, with breath abated. A thousand fates, entwined the fury nature created. Stifling air, if air at all, draws quick the sweat and..


A Poem by PencilinMyHair

We've all been there - all-nighters are not fun for anyone!
As the shadows creep

As the shadows creep

A Poem by PencilinMyHair

A lot of the poetry I usually write is quite light, but this is my first poem where I allowed myself to become quite dark.


A Poem by PencilinMyHair

I've been trying to write this poem for a while, and it suddenly all clicked. It was a difficult poem to write, but I'm glad I did it.