Screaming Silence

Screaming Silence


How stubborn are the scars when they won't fade away

Wolverine, MI
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I am 19, been graduated for one year. I've always been an artist mostly drawing until one day I picked up the pencil and started writing anything I could think of. Now I personally think I paint a better picture with words and even got extra points on a short story I wrote for my senior year english final. My stories are horror mostly. I like to write in different time eras because I like to learn how things were done back in the day. I tend to put myself in small parts within the story. Like giving someone my name or make someone go through something I've went through. My stories come from a lot of stored emotion I have and it's a relief to be able to put into words what I am thinking and how I feel. But yeah that's sorta me, mostly my writing, but if you wanna get to know me message me.