Edie Boyd

Edie Boyd


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About Me

I'm an 18 year old living in a little prairie town in western Canada. I was never really a poetry person, but lately I feel inspired to write for some reason... it came pretty suddenly.

I'm inspired by anything that I can find beauty (and not just the visual kind) in. That mostly means music and photographs... but also people. I really don't know what I want to do when I get out of high school, but all I know is I want to live in a big city surrounded by art and wonderful friends. I really DO NOT want to have a boring life.

I love Bob Dylan - I consider his music poetry and I suppose I would say he is my favourite poet. I can't list all of my favourite music artists but my top of the heap includes The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Paul Simon, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, and The Beach Boys. Oh, and Ian Tyson. I am an Alberta girl after all!

I would love to grow as a poet... I only just started. So it would be lovely to have people comment and just sort of help me along. Thank you!
