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RVM is on a mission to make this world a better place to live.After having achieved the highest pinnacles of success, RVM went on a soulful quest to find a new meaning to life, discover a more fulfilling way to utilize his time and talent. He came away with the realization that we serve the purpose of our existence only when we dedicate ourselves to making a difference in the world.Following the natural trajectory of this chosen path, RVM has now become a widely recognized and respected positive life philosophers. He is also an acclaimed author, speaker, singer as well as a philanthropist.RVM is known for his ability to usher in change across all strata of society, and initiate a revolution in thinking and action. So, towards this end, he started a 125-bed capacity RVM Foundation Home and 200-bed Hospital which is now being converted into a 1000-bed Charitable Hospital under his Trust, offering free medical services for the poor in need.As a staunch believer in God and to spread the power of faith, RVM has built a Shiv Temple with 65-foot-tall Shiv idol on Old Airport Road, which is now not only a tourist destination but also a place for spiritual awakening. RVM has authored many books to illuminate and inspire people, to spread his unique philosophy and message. Some of these are: I Wanna Be Happy, Succsex (on Success through Sex Transmutation), Power your Life with PEP (Positive Energy Power) and many more which are in the pipeline. RVM is also a noted speaker and has addressed various audiences not just in India but around the world, on topics like ‘happiness,’ ‘succsex,’ ‘fulfillment’ and ‘life.’RVM believes that every moment is a journey. Together with the freedom to rejoice, the ability to value life and the power to make a difference, this journey can be enhanced further. Life is a priceless gift but not many open and enjoy this treasure. RVM aspires to help people make the best use of this gift.