Raegen Christina T.

Raegen Christina T.


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Ottawa, Canada
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A few more edits, and this could make sense ;)


If you are wondering. . . I am afraid so am I! ;)

But I believe I'm reaching a mutually-beneficial modicum of understanding between 'ourselves' and the World in general and we might get along a lot better than we have done in the past. But the past is gone, as are now and the immediate future. It's a breezy perspective, to say the least ;) But the focal length on this one doesn't leave as much to be desired as the former in terms of "how long I may or may not last" if I keep on keepin' on with some of the truly nasty behaviours I still have not been able to shake from the tenacious little girl within - it's like trying to wean myself off 'the blankie', or some such .. something! Not to mention the sleep-deprivation. Speaking of... zzzZZZ

Honestly. I promise I just go on, and on. . . about a whole lot of oomph-nada ;P I'll find something to post from the chasmal and perhaps contrived collection during whose production there was a 6-11 year-ish dryer/"in-a-coma" spell where I would allow no thoughts to come, as they were not conducive to survival, long or short. Seemed reasonable at the time, as they were most unhelpful thoughts, but we all knew I'd eventually have to let some of it out in one form or another. I chose 'another', ahah ;P

I get along much better now, but a few kinks to work through and out. Patience, peace, and some more patience ;)

But do not despair ;) - you may be headed for a safe haven for fellow Wandering Wonderers and if you're in the vicinity of this incarnation of my Wired home, the little, yet wiser(?!) brother to my bona fide home, Expired Convictions.

For whatever it's worth, I am proudly, albeit kerfuffledly Agno-stickily Zennish, yet I may also be found in those awkward moments of sheer down-to-Earthedness!

I'm a lot shyer than I seem, but most of the time I am not wont to letting that impede the exercise in insatiability that waxing every which way and on just about any topic imaginable, proves to pose. In the past, I would often take a semi-conscious plunge into a flailing-mad "no survivors!" tailspin of a downwardly-spiralling ruminative recoil. Yes, such as this one ;)

Conversely (to the long-lost opening statement? ;P), I guess you could be lost beyond all fathomable predicament, in which case - please enjoy many deep and focusing breaths. I find they work wonders in resetting the delicate balance that reality can offer in order to regain your former general 'Zenness' ;D - it's certainly proved most helpful for yanking my own self out of the myriad of scintillating Fantasty Lands 'we' concoct - and also to sink gently back into the CALM realisation that your own potentially (self-?)tortured Asoects have at least some, if not plenty(!) of company. Yep. In the form of little old me. Drop me a line, ask me a question; I am always glad and humbly eager to do whatever I can for any fellow Humankinders out there, as ably as possible.

I go by a few aliases, but mostly Rae (or 'Raegen') will suffice. I�m a twenty-something [milking it while it lasts...!] dudette suffering my dexterous drivelling to facilitate the greater unknown of mental and physical sanity in tandem with Self-recovery (ask me about it if you require clarification).

My Muses of choice are Poetry, Frantic Notepad Poetry, short prose fiction and newish Splurge) and � that 'blog over there, Expired Convictions, and whatever is to become, if anything(?!) of my home here at writerscafe. Many kind thanks to the infamous Writerscafe.org Brothers ;) And beware the ruminative recoil I may unleash at times. I babble truly and extensively like some kind o' Babblin' Beast ;P The nerves, the nerves :)

The wheels are spinning, destination is becoming increasingly LESS unknown (for the old blog, as it is for life in general). But pixel-by-pixel and with as much curiosity, integrity and grace as this particular rage-wounded Soul and Shattered Mind can muster, I -will- prevail in my Humanistic and Recovery Endeavours. Oh yes. Feeling forewarned? Well, good then. ;P I just may have been effective back there :P At what exactly remains to be seen ;)

I'm learning fast and hard that It's really (REALLY?! ;P) not my own personal problem if "others"/"everyone else"/"most people"/ad nauseum(!) don't grok me, so-to-speak - the problems come about from a currently expiring conviction (soon to be Retired! ;P) of self-deprication and torture by way of Intellectual Self vs. Emotional/Psychological Self - makes for good writing, sure, but the living ain't much to speak of! ;)

I guess, as my Partner would say, I'm a Lover, not a FIghter (and I concur with that view 95% of the time ;P), but when my Passions are riled and the Muse is aching, sometimes the sky just wouldn't even dream of trying to frame these mind extractions. For better or for worse and for learning, self-betterment and various social/humanistic educational purposes - to name a bevy! - I write, rinse, repeat ;)

Welcome to about a block and 1/2 away from my humble home. ;)

I promise I rarely bite, and when I do, it�s usually down onto mySELF. ;)
Please tread lightly, for though fierce, I'm but a lamb.

Peace and Om-niscience ;)