Rafael Perez

Rafael Perez


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Chicago, IL
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About Me

Well, what can I say... I am a writer from Chicago. Hhhmmm. the problem is when you tell someone you are a writer the first reaction is "What have you written? Anything I would know?" to which I respond in an enthusiastically high pitched voice "No not at all!" After a few minutes of smiling and not making eye contact, they usually walk away confused and regretting the question. I have had a passion for writing my entire life... Unfortunately, I grew up in a household which confused professional writing for a silly hobby (Like picking your nose in traffic)... Still I wrote for myself and my kids... It wasn't until recently that I realized I may be able to do this as a career... Thanks to a friend who rekindled inspiration inside my heart and helped me find the artist and writer who had buried himself deep in quicksand of fear and trepidation (Also at this point she is my biggest fan)... Funny... she figured me out before I did in a very small amount of time.... To my very lovely and supportive wife who convinced me to follow my dreams and reach for something I've always wanted.
