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Jeffrey's Bay, Eastern Cape, South Africa
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About Me

Why hello there... Let me tell you a little bit about myself... For one, I hate telling people about myself since I have no clue what I'm supposed to say! Let's start with saying that I love using ellipses and making extensive lists... Right. Well, since I have an opportunity to gloat and rant about myself, why not! I'm don't really know what I want in life... One half wants detachment and enlightenment while the other wants fortune... Perhaps I can have both? But would that not be hypocrisy? Crap, I'm lapsing into eloquent jabber again... But seriously, I firmly believe that if all humans just take only what they need there will be enough for all... Hypocrisy is thy name... Anyway, I enjoy music, art, writing, philosophy, psychology, annoying people, mythology, history, etc. Do I really have to say all this?