-WolfReaper (NERV)

-WolfReaper (NERV)


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Adelaide, Australia., Australia
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About Me

Pen name: WolfReaper
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: February 07, 1994

Darkness surrounds you, but you can only wish for silence. You can hear the screams, the gunfire. Suddenly, just ahead of you a building erupts in flame casting a ghostly light. You see people running, screaming � people of all ages, religion, culture running with unified fear.
One woman runs for dear life, a child cradled in her arms. You hear a burst of gunfire and a thousand miniature explosions of blood erupt from her back. As she falls to the ground another building explodes, Sending rock and glass in all directions.
A slate of glass hits your stomach, you clench in pain but cannot move or scream; they will only shoot you if you are found. Your clutch the wound with your hands, you�re trying to put pressure on it; to slow the bleeding.
From your hiding position you see them; they are dressed in all black, they have gasmasks to hide their face and they are ruthlessly shooting down all the townsfolk in view.
There is a little girl cowering in a corner, crying over the body of her dead mother. She wails loudly, and they hear. One of the masked men turns around, Raises his gun and fires a single round, It hits the girl in the chest; she falls back, begins to cough. She cannot cry anymore, she cannot breath, she can only drown as blood seeps its way into her lungs. She begins to cough blood. She will die, but not quickly, and not painlessly.
There is a flash of light from above, and the sound of blades cutting through the air. A gunship hovers above the scene, bearing the wolf�s head insignia that is the Wolfpack mark. Its doors open�s and the masked men begin wildly firing up. You see four figures jump from the gunship and land on the ground with unparalleled grace. The four figures raise weapons and drop each masked man with a single shot to the head.
The fire�s still burn; the people still fear; you can hear more explosions and gunfire from other city sectors. The four angels from above stand and lower their weapons. The one closest to you, evidently a leader type, gives a series of hand signals and the other three begin checking the dead and helping the wounded.
More ships come from the sky, this time with the universal medical cross. The leader turns, he see�s you hiding and steps towards you. He helps you from hiding and examines your wound � he says something, but you can�t hear it.
Everything is getting darker now, vision is fading and you can only hear a high-pitched whine. You have just enough time to read the mans name tag before you slip into unconsciousness; �WolfReaper�.

Reading: Foundation - Isaac Asimov


I will not accept random friend requests from people i don't know. This is not Myspace, nor Facebook, nor twitter, nor whatever else. I'm just anti-social like that.

If you want me to read something, send a PM. I'll do my best.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

heyy, do you still use writerscafe? <3

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey Reaper. How ya doing?

[send message]

Posted 14 Years Ago

hahaha, yay!
go on messenger this friday (my friday nightt. i think thats your saturday morning?) and we can talkk :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

mhmm. that must be it :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

bahaha! ben, you are such a nerd <3 but i love you anyway :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

nge? haha.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

NERV? should i know what that means?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

lol that's weird. it doesn't show even if i type it right.

[B]Pen name:[/B]
You use "[" and "]". Use "<" and ">" instead.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

instead of [text] use :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

instead of [text] use :)