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Hell Hole!, AZ
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About Me

okay so im just going to make this quick.
my names Jason [no im not a psyco serial killer]
im 17 years old.
not big on grammar and spelling but i try my best.
writing is a hobby but not my whole life.
i actually enjoy reading if i find something i like.
i write a variety of crap.
i writing fiction and about twisted things and also about things in peoples inner mind that never gets spoken because of embarassment.

[my friend The Silent Foxx has a book that we were both working on here but we clashed ideas so shes going to be transfering it over to me. so ill continue the story. maybe ill twist it up a lil. idk yet...]


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Posted 13 Years Ago

then go outside. d=

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Posted 14 Years Ago

nic im leaving you a comment just because i can 0_<

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i like your writes. :) thanks for accepting the friend request.
oh btw i like the saying on the shirt lol made me laugh :D

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Posted 14 Years Ago

i like your status. ^_^