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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
Rob Schnepp

Rob Schnepp


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About Me

Actor. Musician. (Very amateur) Writer.
I am very fond of all things creative - acting being a physically expressive creative medium, as with playing (and composing) music - but I've always had an interest for creative writing; from the humble beginnings of writing random short stories and poems in school, right up to collaborating with a BAFTA Award winning writer on a project of my own concept (this unfortunately came to an abrupt end due to the afore mentioned award winning writer having penning and overseeing duties on a TV spin off series, which in turn was a result of the resurrection of another TV series gaining new popularity...But I digress...).
Now I find myself very much settled down in my late 30's, I've decided that now is the time for my venture into creative writing to 'properly' begin (it's only taken me 30 years...).
I have many short stories (some written; some in the process of being written), and the ideas/treatments for a number of novels - the first of which is in the planning stages (you know? Writing back stories for the characters, creating the world they live in etc, etc...)
And so it begins...