Jade Black

Jade Black


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Toronto, Canada
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About Me

Writing is whipped cream for my soul. It keeps me sane.

I like writing stories; but I have a very short attention span, so I never finish what I start. I am the author of dozens of stories without an ending.

Poems are more of a challenge for me because I'm the kind of person who if you tell me to write a paragraph, I'll give you page. I usually have a lot to say. So writing poetry makes me get to the point, and allows me to convey a thought or tell a story in a more abstract, and symbolic way. However, on a good day my rhyming poems are pretty crappy so you'll probably see mostly free verse. My work is currently very amateur, especially after checking out some amazing writing on this site. I made this account to give me some encouragement to write myself out of writer's block and incentive to finish what I start. Hopefully I'll start to improve as well. We'll see how that goes.

Kay. For my actual bio.

I'm a senior in highschool--finally. I love photography, reading, writing, listening to music and fanfiction. Obviously I spend a lot of time on my laptop.
I have a pretty diverse, ever-changing taste in music. Although give me a choice between a lifetime of listening to rap or alternative/rock--I'll always choose the latter.

I'm not feeling very eloquent today so this bio kind of sucks. I'm really not as bland as this sounds. Promise.