SUGATA M : Writing



A Story by SUGATA M

A teenager's love story between two different classes of people


A Story by SUGATA M

This story was written 1991-92 on a real political event that happened in Kolkata.
Thank you Mr Charlie

Thank you Mr Charlie

A Story by SUGATA M

‘Hi Mr Charlie’ Navin was Charlie today. He painted his face white with that brushy butterfly moustache fitted perfectly below the ..
Romeo never dies

Romeo never dies

A Story by SUGATA M

Love and lust hardly co-exist. If you love a woman your lust for her can’t last for long; if you lust for a woman the relationship continues o..
It's my life

It's my life

A Story by SUGATA M

He is approaching me, slowly. I can see him. The man I had been breathlessly waiting for, to kill him. My guru’s teachings were still reverbe..


A Story by SUGATA M

The story was written long back, when I roamed around the streets of Kolkata to meet people of various types and professions.
The Superstar

The Superstar

A Story by SUGATA M

A Bollywood tale
Criminal's brother

Criminal's brother

A Story by SUGATA M

Back to short stories aftering enjoying penning of some poetries
Everyone is busy

Everyone is busy

A Poem by SUGATA M

When you are restless and dim When you tend to fly high, My sweet lazy crazy soul Swaying across the sky. Your shameless painless surrender of..
One Slow Summer Noon

One Slow Summer Noon

A Poem by SUGATA M

Based on a Bengali poetry of Akshya Kumar Baral