Sam87 : Writing

To a nana I miss

To a nana I miss

A Poem by Sam87

The second poem I wrote, my nana had just passed away and I were over the anger stage.
No goodbyes

No goodbyes

A Poem by Sam87

This is the first poem I ever wrote at 15. My nana had just passed away.
I don't care what they say

I don't care what they say

A Poem by Sam87

I wrote this when I got with my ex. As it turned out I should have listened to people, but at the time I couldn't see past him.
Does age really matter

Does age really matter

A Poem by Sam87

I wrote this when I were 20. It was my first time admitting to myself that I were interested in older men, and I knew the people around me wouldn't li..
Like a drug

Like a drug

A Poem by Sam87

Again about my new relationship. He consumes me, I thought I'd felt most emotions by now, but none of them compare to how he makes me feel
Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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Own me

Own me

A Poem by Sam87

I'm currently in a relationship which involves Dom-sub play... which is new to me.
New adventure

New adventure

A Poem by Sam87

I am in a relatively new relationship, and there is some rough play involved so although the first bit sounds a bit bad, it really isn't meant too...

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