Sarah Takacs : Writing

Born of the Wind

Born of the Wind

A Story by Sarah Takacs

I wrote this doped up on cold medicine and hallucinating with a 102 degree fever. I started doodling and drew this androgynous Inuit-looking kid and ..
The Stage

The Stage

A Story by Sarah Takacs

This won WV Writers Contest in...ohmidots, eleventh grade was 2001!
Bone Circus--another excerpt

Bone Circus--another excerpt

A Story by Sarah Takacs

This one is told from the viewpoint of a character that's dead at the beginning of the story. Unless I break up the whole thing into multiple short s..
Lexy--part deux

Lexy--part deux

A Story by Sarah Takacs

Also need help with a title for this piece. I think it's a prequel, in that it also has Lexy in it. Lexi? I need some consistency on how I spell hi..
Hell of a Time

Hell of a Time

A Story by Sarah Takacs

I was talking with my dad and I accidentally said "infernal optimist" instead of "eternal optimist." And then this thing fell out..
Coxgar the Magnanimous

Coxgar the Magnanimous

A Poem by Sarah Takacs

Okay, I know I only said I'd share the one poem, but this one is funny. And vulgar. And was a Christmas present to my friend Cox, the most glorious ..
Social Science

Social Science

A Story by Sarah Takacs

I tried to make a break from the fantasy and sci-fi genre. (If you note the similarities between the main character and Poddy from Heinlein's Podkayn..
I could be an artist

I could be an artist

A Poem by Sarah Takacs

I typically hate poetry. I write excellent poetry, but I hate the whole genre. Here's the one poem I'll ever share. I think if I had any kind of ..
Writings Found In An Envelope on Green Street

Writings Found In An Envelope on Green Street

A Story by Sarah Takacs

I need a title for this. Title this for me; do my job. This was going to be a Changeling game I was going to run, but it never happened and so I m..
Bone Circus--an excerpt

Bone Circus--an excerpt

A Story by Sarah Takacs

I have a zillion mutually exclusive versions of this story. This is an excerpt that, hopefully, I will use. It's too vast for me to figure out how t..

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