R.G. Bennet

R.G. Bennet

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About Me

I've been in love with reading and writing from a very young age. Books have always been an escape for me, my constant companions, the characters my best friends, their world my haven.

It is my greatest desire to incite that same feeling within someone else through my own writing. I may have a hectic schedule and constant workload these days, but will always write when I can. I'm also hoping to publish sometime soon.

But I need help. I have been shy about my work in the past, but it is time for me to put it out there and get some good constructive reviews to help me grow as a writer. I'd love to know if something about my plot works, or if it doesn't, etc. Feedback means a lot!

Of course, I would also love to review for anyone who so wishes. We're all here to help each other out, right? :)


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Posted 12 Years Ago

thanks so much for the review! 'Rip' was the word I was looking for, I forgot in that moment! haha, I changed it. thanks againn.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the review! Greatly appreciated!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Ah! No problem at all. I was the one begging for stories anyways, lol. I love reviewing stories and books more than poems, quite frankly.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thank you for your review of 'Close your Eyes and Read' :)
What I implied by the last line is that children are made to study to accomplish their parent's desires. Some parents might have desired to be doctors, some engineers. And because they couldn't achieve that goal themselves, they make their children do it!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

haha, that makes two coindences with our writings! I guess that great minds think alike? I love your ideas of detaching the fairies from the outside world! I knew that Aine was tough to pronounce, so I put it into the book. AWN-yah.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

You are most welcome ^_^

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks for the reviews on Extra! Extra! and The Good People!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Your quote is form Harry Potter, the deathly hallows, said by Dumbledore to Harry when voldemort uses avada kedavra on him right? My favourite quote.
Thanks for the review!

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Posted 12 Years Ago

Thanks, sweetheart.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

THANKS Pictures, Images and Photos
Thanks for the review! Please send me an rr for one of your works so I can return the favour. Thanks again!