S. S. Allen : Writing

|| Quantum Mechanics and love.

|| Quantum Mechanics and love.

A Poem by S. S. Allen

ROM (my read only memory).


A Poem by S. S. Allen

For the overly anxious
with strings attached

with strings attached

A Poem by S. S. Allen

I like to touch your buttons. Gingerly I'd get them undone. And to make crinkles in your shirt too... I'd take them off, When you allow me to. B..
Don't touch me

Don't touch me

A Poem by S. S. Allen

Say no to violence against women and girls
when i become a woman

when i become a woman

A Poem by S. S. Allen

Is it my biological clock you're concerned about? My quest for life long learning? Does my age puzzle you? Tell me, is it my celibacy that I hold ..
when it rains, it pours

when it rains, it pours

A Poem by S. S. Allen

Loosed from the heavens, Liquefying her parched soul. But careful, Not to rain on her parade. You give life gently. Then aggressively, more da..
Shakespeare, not shakespeare.

Shakespeare, not shakespeare.

A Poem by S. S. Allen

When a much to do about nothing,Turns into much to do about everything!You have fallen into a sleep.And life feels more like a fleet.When the chiming ..
||Excerpts from this life

||Excerpts from this life

A Poem by S. S. Allen

Autumn leaves ruffled by the wind, Carpeted the floor against the azure sky. Soon shifted into a cyclonic scene. Where oceans would kiss the shore ..
Cacao (raw)

Cacao (raw)

A Poem by S. S. Allen

By Javane (JavaScript) & Sereka
Qg3 (Long live the queen)

Qg3 (Long live the queen)

A Poem by S. S. Allen

I've put away my unproverbial piece.A contessa with a machiavellic sense.A Femme fatalewith an unctous mind,what scathed games she played.And never fe..

The Shadow On My Shoulder
There is an angel who sits upon my shoulder who goes by the name of Death...
Compartment 114
Compartment 114