Shieska Clow

Shieska Clow


Getting in my face, so I'm gonna call 'em Space Invaders.

Downers Grove, IL
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About Me

I still don't know if I am all that creative. Just thought I would give it a shot. I've been on DA for many years, mainly for artwork and photography. I've read so many fanfictions, and such, that I don't know if I can write something outside of those. Mainly because I've never wrote anything aside from essays and the sort. Now, if I could write and illistrate a decent Comic that would be something.

I know I haven't put anything up on here either O.K! XD I'm revising the only poem I've ever made, and working on another. I would like to start a short story, maybe even just a one-shot, some time soon. :)

Brehms Het Leven der Dieren Zoogdieren Orde 4 Huiskat (Felis maniculata domestica)

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