Siena - Silent Awakenings. : Writing



A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Exploring the Unknown.
Lost Touch with Reality.

Lost Touch with Reality.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

A very self conscious young girl, shes shy and keeps most things to herself. In this world, she had lost touch with reality.
This Heat

This Heat

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Hot Weather makes people lose their minds.
When I was Four.

When I was Four.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

The imagination you have when you're four.


A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Words; You can spend your whole life trying to find the ones that truly describe you.But! Do they really exist?I see myself in mist, dirt, cowardness...
My Concentration Blurs.

My Concentration Blurs.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Make sense of me, I'm confused. Abused.A 15 year old all tattered and used.Striped down to the bone, alone.My home you say... What home?!I grip, I clu..
Before Its Time.

Before Its Time.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

My life is made up of stories.Stories that in other worlds would be different.My life is a vision of me in 20 years, my story is a version of me 20 ye..


A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

'Knots' is about a certain feeling you can inflict on someone.
Day Dreamer.

Day Dreamer.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

I'm deep now, deep down in the ocean.Probably deeper than i've ever been before, I... I can't remember where I am. My shoulders sway back and forth. M..