Siena - Silent Awakenings. : Writing

My Agreement

My Agreement

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

A struggle for freedom.
Turn to the Sky.

Turn to the Sky.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Turn to the Sky.. then Cry.


A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Lies!They should die.All they do is f**k up our lives,although they can be handy, very dandy.But in the most awful ways.Faithful?you tell me,you're no..


A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Strangled in what appears to be 'my' own world.Yes, I have been betrayed.My thoughts have tricked me, yet again.Into thinking that I have no friends, ..
Underwater Living.

Underwater Living.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

I can hear a drum beating. The whales drum. Ba Boom, Boom Ba, Ba Boom, Boom Ba, Ba Boooom. Again and again forever in a heart beat, but only tim..
Be Yourself.

Be Yourself.

A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

Do sixteen year olds, really know themselves?Do they wait for you, to rephrase your sentence when you realize how selfconscious they can be?No.Teenage..


A Poem by Siena - Silent Awakenings..

This is about developing a mature patience.

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