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About Me

Here I was told to put something about me... there isn't much other thank I'm a teenage girl who loves peoms and music and loves to read. I'm not an average girl, I like to stick out and be different because in my perspective and opinion I find that difference is key and if there was no difference in the world there would be no emotion, or opinions, or change of mind. There would just... be. Some people find that strange, but when they listen they get a new perspective, and then it hits them: You wouldn't be YOU without difference.


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Posted 12 Years Ago

Life is a magnificent manifestation where if we honour Sacred Mother Earth, rivers of love will flow freely. New levels of spiritual awareness are upon us and by recognizing their beauty we can inspire every aspect of our lives. Let your soul be an oasis of transformation that takes your life to the next level and fulfills your dreams. Rejoice in your awakening, the future is now and love is in every breath you take.

Micheal Teal