In this world I sought for, who I am and many more; without a reason but a treason, without a life, but with a life and none.
Once upon a nightful somber, entranced within a loreful slumber; a murky pass it feels to be: this dream, this world it calls me.
Take a peek within my mind, taste the fruit of insanity. A dreamless abyss of my dark fantasy, where this fruit dost grow upon a gallows tree.
I see smoke, waking pain; cries of souls, death in vein. I see streets flowing red, among many lost or dead;
Beauty engulfs her extravagant being, Cursing me silent; without thought, without seeing. Being as it may be, a bewitching beauty, Leaving me speechle..
I wonder, I wonder if this life is life at all; If it's a dream, then I may fall. The feelings I embrace may be false; The triumph of love, this moonl..
The quivering of a lost beating heart, Loses it's melody, a song. Aloft from a quivering start; Dusk, where it belongs.
This wholesome soul dost not sing, By the timely midnight ring;
Again, I cannot live But to know it's not eternal; Caring the world on my shoulder, Does harm to my infernal Extent of a dream.
Over the hills, I wait for thee; the sunlight beam of dusk. Yet a silent to provoke me, yonder with the morning musk.