SparksInTheNight : Writing

Dragon Wings and Wishes

Dragon Wings and Wishes

A Story by SparksInTheNight

The little girl with dragon wings who works at the dress shop is silent, obedient, and most of all, loyal. Nobody sees what's truly inside. But one da..
The Forest and Her Children

The Forest and Her Children

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Azania spent most of her life without her family, with only smug and haughty masters as company. She escaped into the Forest and was welcomed by its e..
A War Not Won

A War Not Won

A Story by SparksInTheNight

A young man and an old man are talking. But the truth lies in all that is left unsaid.
The Gift

The Gift

A Story by SparksInTheNight

A young mother knows that the people who control her land will take her baby from her. The rich and powerful need a new slave that they can bend and m..


A Story by SparksInTheNight

The city is beautiful and glittering under the shine of the sun. But everyone knows of the people living underneath the city, in their subterranean wo..
Mother Mutilated

Mother Mutilated

A Story by SparksInTheNight

We need Mother Nature for everything we depend upon to live. We cannot continue harming her, for her death will mean our death too. She loved us and w..
A Tarnished Coin

A Tarnished Coin

A Story by SparksInTheNight

Two worlds, placed in stark opposition with each other, placed intimately nestled close to each other. The world of hunger, thirst, sickness, and need..
The Wall

The Wall

A Story by SparksInTheNight

The city is filled with everything anyone could ever ask for. With entertainment and fun and beauty and intrigue. So why do I feel so dissatisfied? So..

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