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A Story by Tala

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A Story by Tala

About Me

Hi, I haven't really written in quite a long time, and am trying to get back into it - I'm not all that sure how successful I'll be.
I don't mind reviewing and reading other peoples' stuff, but only good stuff. I'm kind of at the stage where I can't stand to read things that:
a) have spelling mistakes (come on guys)
b) have incredibly unoriginal plots
c) are blatantly written with no thought to the impact of the plot, with no aim or meaning to it, written just because the writer wanted to read about it
d) have really dreadful dialogue

I want to read literature written by people who know what they're doing but are unsure about the finer points. Maybe this sounds incredibly harsh of me, but I feel like that kind of stuff is not fun for me to read, write it by all means, but keep it away from me.

I generally read books/short stories, but have gotten into certain poetry recently, and would really like to read a bit more of that too. I love things which really matter, which are genuinely beautiful in what the writer is trying to do, where there is some kind of genuinely life-affecting idea in the book that just, matters.

My favourite author is Kurt Vonnegut, who is literally amazing.
I also highly approve of Janice Galloway, sure her man-hating is a bit extreme, but her books are so full of importance, her writing still is incredibly interesting, and the way in which she portrays the mindsets of her characters is breathtakingly realistic. I find her books really emotionally draining, and personally won't really read them, but I respect her a lot.
I love the poems of Seamus Heaney, which are just beautiful, but also a great insight into his view on Ireland.


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Posted 13 Years Ago

Hey! Since you're the only person on this site I have talked to yet and gave me such a nice review, I just finished the IV chapter and wondering if you would take a look.
I am actually quite proud of it, I think it worked out nicely.
I hadn't even thought of any of it when I wrote down the first sentence of the chapter! It just, came out by itself!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thank you for the review!

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Posted 13 Years Ago

Thanks for the reviews.